Phone: 01825 769000 | Email:

In line with our Safeguarding Policy and copyright regulations, and to reduce disruption in venues, Spring Harvest does not permit photography or audio/video recordings within venues, including use of mobile phones for this purpose, except by authorised members of the Spring Harvest team. This information is also communicated to all Spring Harvest guests.

Spring Harvest appoints specific authorised team members to take photographs and video footage who will be identifiable by a Media Pass which should be worn at all times.

When photographers visit a kids or youth venue, the Programme Leaders will receive prior notice. In kids venues, we ask the team to prominently display a notice 24 hours before the photographer visiting, letting parents know when this will be happening.

As a Team member you should remain vigilant to the unauthorised taking of photos and audio/visual footage at Spring Harvest. If you see anyone taking photographs or recording footage who is not authorised to do so, please report them to your Programme Leader immediately. All persons issued with a Media Pass are aware that they may be approached by team, but please make sure you are wearing your team badge if you approach them and do so in a polite and sensitive way to discuss their actions.

For your information, the following information is provided to guests:
Spring Harvest and agencies authorised by us will take photographs and make recordings during the event, which may lead to your image or voice being on albums, publicity material, website, television and radio broadcasts. This may include circulation outside the UK. Videos are made of meetings in the main venue which may include some brief shots of guests. Please come to the Spring Harvest office early in the week if you would prefer not to be included in any photographs and recordings.

From time-to-time official Spring Harvest photographers will take promotional photographs in the children’s venues. Please tell the programme leaders if you DO NOT want your child to be included in the photographs. Unauthorised photography or filming (including usage of a mobile phone for this purpose) of any children whilst they are in their programme or taking part in programme activities, is not permitted.

Audio Recordings
Audio recordings are made by our Tech Team (all wearing Spring Harvest Team ID badges) in most adult venues. Audio recordings are made directly through our tech systems and should not usually involve the use of any additional equipment. Audio recordings are not made during any kids programme sessions.

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Spring Harvest is part of the Essential Christian family
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Essential Christian, registered charity number 1126997, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 06667924.
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