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The most extreme places in the world to be a Christian

Have you ever wondered about what it costs to follow Jesus? Here in the west, we are free to read our bibles, pray and meet with other Christians safely and legally. But what about Christians who live in countries where following Jesus is against the law?

This week, Open Doors Emma Worrall, explains the true cost of following Christ in countries where it is dangerous or illegal to be a Christian.

Think of your church.

Now, first, imagine that you can’t meet in person.

That won’t take a big stretch of the imagination, given the past year, and how 2021 is shaping up. But now imagine you don’t even know who the other members of your church are.

Isolation. Being alone is a part of your everyday experience. Imagine meeting to worship knowing it’s potentially dangerous, deadly even.

Imagine knowing your every move is watched. How would anybody find out? People in your neighbourhood would be trained to spot you. They wouldn’t just be looking for signs that you met with other believers – they’d be trained to spot if you closed your eyes briefly before eating food, or inadvertently hummed a Christian song. Even your children might give the game away. They would be told to inform their teachers if they see you reading a little black book.

Open Doors secret fieldworkers are supporting Christians who've managed to flee to China, through underground networks.

Since 2002, North Korea has been the most dangerous place to be a Christian. And it still is. North Korea tops the 2021 Open Doors World Watch List – the list ranking the 50 most dangerous places to be a Christian.

But it’s certainly not the only country where Christians face extreme persecution. In many countries – including Eritrea, Iran, Afghanistan and Somalia – secret Christians know that they could be imprisoned, tortured or even killed if their faith is discovered.

Will you show love to your worldwide family facing persecution for choosing to follow Jesus?

You can discover the top 50 countries where worshipping Jesus really costs and fuel your prayers this year for persecuted brothers and sisters and let them know they’re not alone. Not alone. Not forgotten. Not ever.

Click the button below to learn more about the incredible work Open Doors are involved in.

Spring Harvest Home 21 is excited to be partnering with Open Doors this year. We stand with them as they help to resource Christians across the world in some of the most dangerous places to follow Christ.

Open Doors works in over 60 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer for their faith. In the UK and Ireland, Open Doors works to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.

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