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Easter 2025

A Comment on Safeguarding Allegations Concerning Leaders

April 27, 2023

When allegations of safeguarding concerns are raised against leaders, especially high-profile ones, we recognise the emotional distress this can cause for those who have experienced similar situations. Spring Harvest aims to guide individuals seeking help towards the resources offered by Thirtyone:eight, a highly reputable safeguarding organisation. Thirtyone:eight provides a secure and supportive environment where individuals can receive assistance and have their voices heard.

To access their services directly or to receive professional and empathetic advice, please contact them at 0303 003 1111. Additionally, Thirtyone:eight has published a blog post which provides helpful guidance on what steps to take when learning of safeguarding concerns regarding a leader.

The blog can be accessed via this link:

Essential Christian is the charity that oversees Spring Harvest. For our Essential Christian safeguarding policy, please click here to view.

Additional Update (28.04.23)

In publishing the above statement, we intended to empower those who may be distressed due to safeguarding concerns around leaders and signpost individuals and churches to the necessary expert help. We recognise that by not providing more context behind the post, some of you had questions about the reasons and timing of the post.

To be clear, we published this post in the context of the current investigation into allegations of safeguarding concerns regarding Rev. Mike Pilavachi (the co-leader of Soul Survivor church in Watford). Updates on this and details of how to respond if you have been affected are available directly from the church, here:

Considering that specific mentions of the case might be triggering for some affected people, we chose not to reference the case directly, but also want to speak more broadly to help steer anyone facing less publicised instances of safeguarding concerns.

Spring Harvest's role is to resource and equip the whole church, including directing where to go for support when specific situations arise. We also take on board feedback that a quicker response in future may be more helpful.

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