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Sara & Sam Hargreaves lead Engage Worship, training and resourcing the local church for creative, sustainable and world-changing worship. They love to unite diverse groups of people around Jesus, and are passionate about genuinely inclusive all-age worship. They live in Luton, volunteering at their local church.
Nick and Becky Drake are the founders of Worship For Everyone, an intergenerational ministry which resources churches, schools and homes with music and training. They are also the songwriters and founders of Songs for School, which serves primary schools across the world with songs for collective worship and assemblies. Nick is Associate Vicar at Gas Street Church with a doctorate in theology, and prior to that was a worship pastor, while Becky spent several years as a School Chaplain. They are authors of 'Worship for Everyone: the power of intergenerational diversity' and are passionate about seeing the church unite and encounter God across generations in worship.