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These guidelines are to promote clarity and unity across the teams, and to ensure that we are sensitive, wise and open to the different perspectives represented by the guests attending the event.

Take time to receive from God yourself before you pray for others. Pray that you will be a channel for God’s love.

Spring Harvest asks Prayer Ministry Volunteers to follow these guidelines whenever they are praying with people.

  1. Always follow the direction of your Prayer Ministry Leader.
  2. Ensure you wear your Team badge when you are involved in praying with people.
  3. You should not need to remain with one person longer than 5 minutes, unless they require more support.
  4. Do not promise absolute confidentiality. (See Confidentiality Policy)
  5. Pray with an awareness that the guest’s faith background may be very different from your own.
  6. Always ask permission before you lay hands on someone, and on their shoulder(s) only, don’t stand too close.
  7. Pray men for men and women for women, unless directed otherwise.
  8. Respect the wishes of the individual if specific personal pronouns are requested.
  9. If someone asks for prayer about their sexuality or gender, please refer them to the Pastoral team. We do not condone conversion therapy.
  10. If you pray in tongues, do so quietly or silently, being sensitive as some guests will be unfamiliar with this gift.
  11. Prophetic words should always be given with great care, always biblical and always encouraging.
  12. Pray with your eyes open so you can be aware of what is happening.
  13. Ensure that the surrounding environment is safe (physically, confidentially)
  14. If you sense the individual may fall, ask them to sit.
  15. If the individual becomes anxious, feels unsafe or panics, stop praying and alert/call over your Prayer Ministry Leader.
  16. If you sense there may be demonic activity, ask the Prayer Ministry Leader for assistance.
  17. If you sense that something being shared may involve a Safeguarding issue, then inform the Prayer Ministry Leader immediately and follow the Safeguarding Policy.
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